

Individuals passionate about patient safety – whether as patients, family members, caregivers, or healthcare professionals affected by medical errors – are invited to actively participate in transforming healthcare into a safer system for both patients and providers. Supporters can explore patient stories, PSMF goals, and information about upcoming events, along with other publicly available content on the PSMF website.


Individuals seeking to further explore actionable evidence-based guidelines, the PSMF Project Zero initiative, and academic and clinical workshops and webinars are encouraged to join the “Advocate” membership tier. Our Actionable Evidence-Bbased Practices are regularly reviewed, revamped, and aligned with the gold standard of care, with translated versions available. Advocates receive a 25% discount on registration fees for the PSMF Annual Summit. They are also extended an invitation to attend the PSMF Mid-Year Strategic meeting, an exclusive member-only event at no cost. Additionally, supporters gain access to the PSMF monthly newsletter and other exclusive member-only content on the PSMF website.


The Patient Safety Movement Foundation offers a top-tier membership for change agents who want to join our global network of healthcare thought leaders in the Patient Safety Leadership Association. This exclusive “Champion” membership tier is designed for those addressing the complex challenges of integrating best safety practices into all aspects of healthcare operations. Champions have the unique opportunity to participate in a groundbreaking forum specifically developed to discuss sensitive adverse events and seek advice from world-renowned patient safety leaders, clinicians, and researchers. This platform allows for the sharing of insights and the development of transformative solutions based on evidence-based practices and implementation science. Champions receive all the benefits of the “Advocate” tier, plus additional exclusive perks. These include priority access to submit articles and blog posts to the PSMF website and monthly newsletter. Additionally, Champions are invited to a special meet-and-greet session with the PSMF Founder, CEO, and Chairman at the PSMF Annual Summit.

Membership Cancellation Policy

The Patient Safety Movement Foundation invests significant resources to provide a comprehensive membership package, ensuring an enriching experience for our members. Member benefits are activated immediately upon payment of the membership fees. While members can cancel their accounts at any time during the 12-month subscription period, please note that membership fees are non-refundable.

Membership Upgrade Policy

The Patient Safety Movement Foundation values our members and strives to provide an enriching experience. We understand that your needs and circumstances may change over time, and we are committed to facilitating a seamless process for upgrading your membership to ensure it aligns perfectly with your evolving requirements.

Members can upgrade their “Supporter” membership to the “Champion” level at any time during their annual subscription period by paying an additional $200. The upgraded membership will be valid for 12 months from the date the $200 payment is received. To initiate an upgrade, please contact our Member Services team at [email protected] and we will assist you with the process.