Carole Moss

Founder/Patients' Rights Advocate

Strategic Alliances and Health Policy, Officer Nile's Project

As founder of the public outreach and patient safety non-profit Nile’s Project, Carole Moss works to improve patient safety and public health by including the public’s voice where major healthcare decisions are being made. Real change happens when the public becomes educated about what preventable harm looks like and they are eager to share their stories. Nile’s Project concentrates on empowering the public, healthcare workers, lawmakers and university’s and other teaching partners with data and solutions gathered from experts at the CDC Division of Healthcare Quality, CMS and HHS that make healthcare safer.

Carole has years of experience in State and National legislation with major committee assignments as a public Their efforts to empower all people with free or very low cost at home rapid Covid-19 has resulted in just that with the federal providing free test and shipping to anyone in America who places an order at

Currently Nile’s Project contributes to weekly calls with the White House Faith and Community partners as well as ongoing We can do this campaign to get more people vaccinated. Her work is ongoing and important to national patient safety actions with a key focus in health equity and making healthcare safer, available and affordable for all.

CDC – The Centers Disease Control and Prevention
CMS – The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
PSMF- Patient Safety Movement Foundation
PSAN- Patient Safety Action Network
NPSB- National Patient Safety Board