Comfort King-Gbaie, BSc, graduated from Cuttington University in Suakoko Bong County. She is a registered nurse, holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing and other certificates in healthcare delivery. She serves as the Quality Assurance Coordinator at the healthcare quality management unit and has worked with the Ministry of Health, RL for eight years.
In 2022, Comfort was appointed by the Minister of Health as the patient safety focal person for Liberia and currently leads an adverse event reporting project in two major hospitals in Liberia. She is a trainer, mentor, and supervisor to health workers at health facilities engaged in the National Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Program to safeguard quality of healthcare delivery in the country. In 2017, Comfort studied infection prevention and control in Japan. In 2019, Comfort worked as an IPC specialist in Tanzania for the World Health Organization.
Comfort King-Gbaie, BSc
Quality Assurance Coordinator and Global Patient Safety Coordinator
Ministry of Health, RL