Ruth Ann Dorrill is an Assistant Inspector General (AIG) for the Office of Evaluation and Inspections, HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG). Ruth Ann has been with the OIG for 28 years and led national studies in evaluating hospital and nursing quality, safety, and emergency preparedness. She has led the OIG’s adverse events work since 2007, now conducting its 19th study of patient harm. Ruth Ann has also led management reviews of HHS programs, including the problematic implementation of and HHS management of the Indian Health Service. She has testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee regarding nursing home quality and in 2021, received the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency Lifetime Achievement Award. Ruth Ann is a Senior Fellow at the Partnership for Public Service in Washington, D.C., and holds a Master of Public Affairs from the University of Texas at Dallas and a Bachelor of Science from Baylor University.
Ruth Ann Dorrill, MPA
Assistant Inspector General
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General