Afifa Munawar, BScN, MSPH

Technical Officer, Quality Patient Safety and Hospital Sector

WHO Country Office Pakistan

Afifa Munawar, BScN, MSPH, is Technical Officer, Quality Patient Safety and Hospital Sector at WHO Country Office Pakistan. She is a change agent for patient safety and quality of care in a public sector hospital in Pakistan. She is an expert in research on quality of care and patient safety, and she has initiated patient safety as a priority research topic in medical institutions. She is an expert in the reform of several public hospitals and primary care health facilities by leading the quality and patient safety through advocacy, training, assessment, commemoration of World Patient Safety Day, and implementation of patient safety tools at both federal and provincial levels, which is a crucial aspect of the work of the country and support for health systems. She represented patient safety and quality of care as the success story of Pakistan at many international forums.